Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Teeth whitening formulas or processes according to #ayurveda….

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Next topic for discussion: Teeth whitening formulas or processes according to #ayurveda….
Dr. Tukaram Shinde: Use leman juice

Anand Javeri: May be lemon peel can be rubbed on teeth to whiten them.

Gaurav Vashi: Natural home remedy using basil leaves and orange peels
Take 6-7 crushed basil leavesAdd 2 tsp of dried orange peel powderMix well and make a pasteApply on teethLeave it for 15 minWash off with water

Vd. Rupa Raval: Use charcol, babul, rock salt, rosted mango seed powder mix well and use this powder as teeth cleaner

Ayulink: May be it is useful as a bleaching agent, but can it be safe for enamel? Or for long term use? Thnx

Vd. Hardik bhatt, Idar: Dashan sanskar churn is good for dental massage ..

Dr. G. Rohith Reddy: Acacia arabica(babul)  usefull in whitening of teeth
Dr. Anjana Prakash: Dasanakanthi choorna is found to b effective

Ayulink: We are looking for teeth whitener…How? In which form? And how to apply? Thnx

Dr. Ravindra Upadhyay: Stop using tooth paste. Better to use Datun of baboon,   neem.

Vd. Rupa Raval: Any one know about "kantalu mayu" my Mom used to tell me that powder of this herb is very good for whitening of teeth

Vd. Rupa Raval: Dashan sanskar churn and irimedadi tailam is very useful in teeth problems, but I don't think it act as whitening agent

Dr. Ravindra Upadhyay: My neighbour till death used only Datoon. All teeth intact, though a supari eater daily

Vd. Rupa Raval: Mayufal

Anand Javeri: Baboon or babool?

Dr. Pramod Nakarde: Herbs Effective in Whitening of Teeth:
Babul (Acacia arabica): There are no words to describe the usefulness of babul in whitening of teeth. Due to its benefit, Ayurveda stresses the importance of using the twigs of the babul as disposable toothbrushes. The tannin found in babul makes the teeth whiter.
Banyan (Ficus religiosa): The aerial roots of the banyan also make good disposable toothbrushes. The banyan roots are astringent that not only increase the whiteness of the teeth but also improve the health of the teeth and gums.
Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum): Dry the leaves of the holy basil, powder them and use it for brushing teeth. The leaves improve the dental hygiene and increase the whiteness of the teeth. Besides the whitening features, holy basil also offers protection against dental problems like pyorrhea (bleeding of gums).
Neem (Azadirachtha indica): The neem tree, is a traditional remedy to get white healthy teeth. Neem twigs are still used by many Indians as toothbrushes. Neem oils possess astringent and antiseptic properties to prevent bad breath, destroy microorganisms present in the teeth and to fight dental caries and cavities.

Ayulink: Yes, many of the herbs we use for teeth problems are known to us. But we have rare known herb or process  which can really helpful for whitening of teeth.

Vd. Rupa Raval: Anyone know ayurvedic or Sanskrit name of mayufal?
In our home elderly members use to tell, rub inside portion of mango seed we use to tell "Keri ni gotli" in Gujarati for whitening of teeth in childhood. and I found that it works well.

Vd. Ekta D. Patel:

Vd. Amol Hingmire: darvi +sendhav namak+ Hartal+manshila+yawakshar for
Whitening of teeth

Dr Premsukh: G32 tab and dashansanskar Choorna

Vd. Binal Jagani: Mango seed powder mixed with salt and rubs on teeth twice a day give good result

Vd. Amol Hingmire: Goshuradi guggul..Chandraprabha vatti..For  teeth pain

Vd. Ekta D. Patel: Dashansanskar used with tail & helpful.

Dr. Rahul Doke: Rubbing on teeth by Extra Virgin coconut oil or til tailam regularly every night before sleep helps to gradually whiten the teeth...
Apple Cider Vinegar also works in a similar way but has to be used on alternate days... There use to be a teeth whitening powder called Mukta chamak we used during our childhood for almost all of the teeth prblms...

Dr. Ujwala Said: Salt useful for whitening of teeth

Vd. Rupa Raval: Morning first ritual of ayurveda, "gandush of til tailam" is very good also, in modern they called "oil pulling"

Dr Premsukh: olive oil and gandush with tail

Dr Feroz Khan: Miswak or pilu stick   brush is very useful for all teeth problems.It can b used either wet or dried.

Vd. Ekta D. Patel: Charcol is also useful but how to use it???

Dr. Bhaskar B Nymathi: Mayūka or Māyaphala  in Sanskrit
Botanically Quercus incana  belongs to cupiferaceae family.
Gall-oak   Or Majhuphal and also have the property of Sthambana.

Dr. Gaurav Makan: Babool can be used

Dr. Surbala Badgaiyan: Lemon peal rubbing in teeth

Vd. Rupa Raval: As a powder, but in ayurveda as a tooth powder, charcol is actually "massi" or burn powder of mayufal or mango seed

Dr. Gaurav Makan: And datoon of neem and keekar

Vd. Kinshuk Hirpara: Coconut oil gandusha can also whiten teeth and remove plaques
Mixture of Soda bicarbonate and lemon drops can whiten teeth.It’s also very alkaline (the opposite of acidic) so I would think if you have a very acidic mouth or eat a lot of acidic food, it could help balance out the Ph, which would be useful as acid breaks down enamel-this is strictly speculation on my part. It will also reduce the acidity of the lemon juice, which acts as a natural bleach of sorts.

Dr. Ujwala Said: Datoon of neem best and easily available

USA Gary Yuen: The modern methods of teeth whitening penetrate the teeth past the ennamel. They also are very possibly damaging. I do not know if herbs can safely do the same?

Dr. J. T. Contractor: Raw green mango leaves chewed twice thrice daily & kept chewed crush in mouth to allow decolorize the teeth without damaging enamel

Dr. Ramiz Gadhiya: Lemon peal rubbing on the teeth may Effective. ..

Vd. Shraddha Gawade: Til taila gandusha ....

Mr. Ram Vala: Sesame  oil pooling in morning for 10- 15 minute good for teeth and its root. Also benefit in other as well like migraine

Dr Jayesh Patel: Borasalli datun with dashan sanskar is very effective in both (Whiting tooth & toothache)…Use apamarg leaves for chewing - reference fromgopchara

Dr. Shantanandkumar:

USA Gary Yuen: I used to use hydrogen peroxide but there are some that believe it is damaging to teeth.

LVG Shriram Gandhi: Akharot chhal ( Gandasha) is useful as a teeth whitener

USA Gary Yuen: Anything acidic like oranges, lemons, etc. also would be damaging.

Dr. M. Dilawar A. Khan: A brand from charak pharam company
Gumtone powder, which i have found in many patient very effefective in whitening and every tooth problem..Just have said to use it for brushing..and after it do massage with same powder over the gums on daily basis, twice a day

USA Gary Yuen: Thank you.One site mentions charcoal as being able to bind tannins stuck. to teeth. If that's what it is, maybe there are some known antidotes to coffee tea or wine that have such action? Oil pulling is normally done with sesame oil. Maybe castor because it is sticky might have some whitening effect?Caraka Su 5.73 recommends for brushing. Anyone know if any of these would help? karañja (pongamia pinnata. (Linn) Merr.), karavīra (nerium indicum. Mill.), arka (calotropis procera. (Ait) R. Br.), jasmin malātī (syn. jātī : jasminum grandiflorum. Linn.), kakubha (terminalia myriocarpa. Heurck. and Muell. Arg. or terminalia arjuna. W. et A.), asana (pterocarpus marsupium. Roxb...Some say coconut oil works for whitening. Others say turmeric.

Ayulink: Very good, nicely explained.

Vd. Khyati Jariwala: Pineapple chewing is also helpful......Beside that rubbing reverse peel of banana fruit is also effective...

Ayulink: Banana peel? That's something new. Thanks for sharing. Is it from experience or folk medicine?

USA Gary Yuen: Would licorice do anything? Native americans used it for cleaning. I thought the sweetness might be damaging.

Dr. Suyog Kulkarni: Dwijabala powder from Anantananda pharmacy is very good.

Dr.Yogesh Gorakhnath Patil: अपामार्ग Achyranthes Aspera herb powder is very useful to whitening & strong teeth

Dr. Lalit Kansal: Turmeric plus sarson oil plus sfatika used by our elders once a week for teeth whitening .

Vd. Khyati Jariwala: It is from experience sir...

Bunty Gandhi: Dashan Sanskar Churna rubbing with Airemedadi Taila ...

Dr. Shruthi Arun: Baking soda + lime juice to apply over teeth and cover with aluminium foil for 10 minutes

Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: In shushruta samhita:-, su.chi.22/37
In Astang hridaya:-As.hri.ut.21/16, As.hri.ut.22/17Dantasarkara:-
According to shushruta dantasharkara in which plaque formed on teeth and hardened by the action of deranged Vayu,  According to Vagbhata, accumulation of dirt on teeth by not cleaning them daily or of Kapha dehydrated by Vata adhering to the teeth, becoming hard and emits bad odor is known as Dantasharkara.- It should be removed in such a way as not to hurt the roots of the teeth and then parts should be rubbed (Pratisarana) with Laksha Churna or ksharachurna with Madhu.

USA Gary Yuen: Sir. What is this herb sfatika?

Dr. Lalit Kansal: Fatkdi…Alum..Tuvri bhasm

Vd. Sandeep J. Prasad: Potash alum

USA Gary Yuen: A Chinese herbsalist once mentioned eating something before smoking. Maybe saliva has some small preventive measure.

Vd. Sandeep J. Prasad: Chewing the leaves of bakul molsiri( memosps elngi) or  brushing is also helpful to make teeth strong….Over ancestors used  to rub fingers on teeth and gandush with water after each food  but today we don't follow that due to social status  but I think after completion of food we should take some water in mouth  rub the intex finger on teeth and gums and roll this water in mouth for 1/2 minute this will remove attached food particles on teeth .and helps to make teeth strong and disease free.

USA Gary Yuen: Good idea. Food possibly has a stronger effect on bone strength and maybe some herbs like bhringaraj help. Some foods might stain teeth less.

Vd.  Mahavir Vora: Chewing of khadiradi vati and application of erimiradi oil twise daily is clinacaly best solution for almost all teeth problems as well as teeth whitner also

USA Gary Yuen: Does anyone know if tea is damaging or staining to teeth? Of note, there have been findings of high levels of fluoride in many teas including from India. Some believe fluoride is damaging. That could possibly in itself lead to easier staining.

Vd. Sandeep J. Prasad: Yes fluoride is damaging the teeth and it deposits tarter on teeth  and excessive tea consumption can cause this.

Dr. Ujwala Said: Please explain vagbhata -laksha churns or ksharachurna excellent..

Dr. Arvind Shahane: Message with gumtone powder (Charak Pharma )+ irimedadi oil also useful

Dr. Ujwala Said:

….Send informative article on fluorosis

Dr. Neha P. Bhatt: I m not fond of patanjali products
bt had tried dantkranti toothpaste and triphla kwath kawal.
it has good result for whitening teeth

USA Gary Yuen: Is there a way to test for fluorosis?

Bunty Gandhi: I believe that rubbing powder is much useful than any so called herbal toothpastes..

Dr. Bhavesh Modh: Good  results  of Peal of banana  & SODA BI CARB
but it's temporary ….Fluoride water  cause  discolouration of teeth  in my area  Rapar & East Kutch ….I think ,  for white  teeth  necessary    sufficient amount of calcium  & iron in body. (People of CHHAPARA (Bihar) have naturally white  & attractive teeth ). Local  application  give  temporary  relif such as herbal pest   or some dentists   use paint,  bleach  or cap over the teeth.

USA Gary Yuen: Is there a particular diet that can help teeth strong and stain free? If one already follows ayurvedic diet, maybe some foods like morninga leaves are better? They say root vegetables are good but not sure which ones to eat more. If there is info about diet of chhapara, that could help.
Fennel cloves cumin are the spices that have more calcium than others. Sesame seeds too if that hasn't been mentioned.

Dr. Vipin Pandey: dantkanti is gud result in tooth ach w8th hypersensitivity

Shri Minoo parabia: Principles are.....
Food decays and multiplies bacteria causing suppurative swelling-pyorrhoea.
Too much acids weakens calcium structure.
Weak gums loose their grips.
Oil creates anoxic anaerobic condition, which is not comfortable to bacteria.
Any tannin has property to bind proteins. Bacterial enzymes are proteins,  which are rendered ineffective by tannin.
So any tannin containing matter, preferably oily can protect gums against bacterial attack.
Salt and Alum are also antibacterial.
Coal has phenomenal absorbing capacity.
So Acacia, Eucalyptus, Ficus, Juglans, Derris, Mimusops, Salvadora are ideal dentifrice.
My student Dr.  Smita Pathak did her doctoral thesis. She found Salvadora (Meshwak) roots most effective on Dantakrimi. Rajasthan is facing extinction of Salvadora due to the over exploitation of roots of Salvadora persica.

The company exploits roots for making their tooth paste.
Muslims use Meshwak roots as chewing stick to cleanse teeth. Also considered as giver of good omen.

USA Gary Yuen: Of the choices of vicco, dabur meskrak or another, or Patanjali dant kanti, is there one preferable?

Shri Minoo parabia: I would vote for Dantakranti. My wife supports this😃.
Don't ask for my personal experience. I lost the battle before I learnt about. Poor man!

USA Gary Yuen: :)..Chewing sesame seeds fennel and cloves after meals is probably a good idea.

Dr. Priti Vikas Agrawal: Glister toothpaste i used ... very effective in sensitivity ..

Dr Sandeep Madaan: Vicco is also effective. Personally didn't like mesvak and himalya toothpaste.. Dantkanti and Vicco are good

Dr. Rammesh Natu: I think it is better to conduct survey of all what's app groups created by Dr Prerak Shah.... Based on small questionnaire... Conclusion will speak itself what's going on Ayurveda community...

Shri Minoo parabia: Good idea. Please use recess tine to send your questionnaire

Dr. Pravin Tirmare: Rubbing banana fruit skin  can whiten teeths
It's working… try

Shri Minoo parabia: Masticating fennel, sesame, clove, cardamom, cinnamon,  ajvine, anethum, betel leaf after meals is certainly helpful…Not areca nut.

Germany Helga Fuchs: Shruti and all, please never use Aluminium foil. Not for covering the mixtur for teeth and never for cooking or for covering food. It is hightly poisening. high Aluminium was found in the food after short time. 1 mg is enough for body and this you get with normal food. Cooking or covering with a-foils create more as 3- to 7 mg in food and by eating we have this in our body. It was find out here in Germany and company s have to change this. And to write on the cover of a fool that this is happen. It is a serious Problem, no Fake.

Dr. Shruthi Arun: K, thanks for the info

Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Alluminum deposits in brain so not a good metal for any medicinal usages or cooking too.
Pitta pradhan prakruti ppl  hv naturally yellowish teeth. The best remedy for Healthy teeth is healthy gums, And no medicine can maintain that except Habit. Flossing with thread or dental floss and gum massage with coconut, sesame oil  everyday.
epsom salt to remove dantsharkara
Soda bicarb to maintain pH

Dr. S. K. Rai: I always advice oil pulling by sesame oil ,it is very much beneficial for people suffering from oral thrush and other dental problems.
One must try it,results are fantastic.

Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: 👌👍 yes, but not so cost effective, and oil gets wasted after pulling,  so my advice, To massage gums with 5 ml to 10 ml oil.

Dr. Jyoti Ashok: I am using sudanta tooth paste of Sri sri Ayurveda,with good result.

Germany Helga Fuchs: I give my Clients the advise to sit in the morning before breakfast with 1 big spoon sesamoil, quiet for Meditation. No chewing the oil or move around. It is a very good Praxis to calm the mind and to bring some benefit to the body. No cold, better voice, cleaning Effects for mind and body are given. After brush teeths and clean the Tong, soft. Tong not with the brush, it is to heavy, as we have some sensitiv areas on the Tong who have to do important work for the health of body die The senses. Juse a common tongcleaner.
Not more as 10 minute otherwise we can create heaviness or cold in head. Longer treatment we know as medical ganduush for serious health problems. There different substances are jused up to the needs.

Anand Javeri: What does oil pulling mean?..What does oil pulling mean?

Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Holding oil in mouth with pursed lips.

Vd. Hardik bhatt, Idar: Shankhjiru and khadi -- chalk ..? Churn give whiteness to teeth ....

Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari:

Dr. Shantanandkumar: Mukepurne asanchare Gandusha  anyata Kavalah.
Means holding the liquid or MED is called Gandusha  gargling is kaval

Dr. J. T. Contractor: Any dant manjan contains ash of any herbs or charcoal certainly damages gums as it files down the upper layer we can see many dant manjan users gums look clear tomato reddish, tooth paste of any brand use steroids to stop ZANZANAHAT ! & pain along with any chemical whitening agent which is supposed to be IP grade that too crossing permissible level, so friends nothing is healthy for dental care, one tends to be close to dentist frequently! That's the accepted truth we all are aware of!

Bunty Gandhi: Dashan Sanskar Churna ...

Slovenia Anoop S. Anand: I think this is half truth my infact involves filing as you say..but Ayurveda also advocates Kaval and Gandoosh..for people who do kaval and gandoosh..this oil infact forms a protective film over the gums and teeth..moreover ayurvedic dantamanjan with fingers wont cause that much harsh effect on gums and teeth as a tooth brush..stores in U.S now sell Neem tender sticks for dental hygiene..which is the best way for complete oral care..bristles in brush can cause severe scrapping of enamel and hence sensitivity

Dr. J. T. Contractor: Agreed our ancestors were wise enough, but we out dated the best concept ages past forefathers adopted, modernization
has torn apart our concept first, now trying to darn the fabric of our culture now by introducing neem sticks, more so is their commercial tech-tics, forgive please

Vd. Rupa Raval: The Beauty & Health Benefits of Oil Pulling
**Whiter teeth (with no chemical bleaching agents – i.e. white strips and bleaching trays)
**Pinker (read: healthier) gums.
**Clearer skin.
**Fresher breath.
##With long term use other health and beauty benefits include:
**Regulation of menstrual cycle & improved PMS symptoms.
**Decreased inflammation in your body.
**Reduced headaches.
**Better sleep (a natural beauty key).
**Fights cavities & gingivitis.
**Improved (less toxically loaded) lymphatic system
**Increased energy
#Further claims have been made that oil pulling has beneficial affects on:
*Heart Disease
*Kidney Disease
*Fibromyalgia and many autoimmune diseases

Ayulink: Some old practices and modern approaches:
- we were using salt in the past for tooth cleaning.....modern companies taught us 'NOT to use it, as it is bad for enamal"
- we were using charcol or bhasma of khadir, babool tree etc, they taught us that it will make yr teeth black....remember advt from Colgate before 20 years
- we were not using any sweet taste / substance for teeth cleaning...because we were knowing that sweet taste can  be reason for growth of more germs

- We stopped use of salt, charcol & we started using sweet toothpaste

NOW, again these SO CALLED RESEARCH AND EVIDENCE BASED products are coming with active salt, charcol etc...and we are very happy with our progress. Still we are not accepting our datun (wooden stick), which is eco-friendly and superior in all aspects to modern toothpaste and tooth-brushes...

Most important, do you know that the required quanity of toothpaste is lesser then a green pea.....In USA it is mandatory to write on pack that it is not safe for kids......but most of use, use toothpaste covering whole area of bristles on tooth-brush...this is please make sure that you use less (only green pea size) toothpaste.

Mr. Ram Vala: However subject is on tooth whitening. But i wish to share own experience on tooth decay. I got 3 teeth need to root canal. Before that i tried cow arc dosage every morning after waking up. And today i dont need to do root canal.
Instead of any toothpaste i am using Charak's  Gum tone powder having 15 ayurvedic composition.

Mr. Ram Vala: Gargling and squeezing of oil between teeth.

Dr. Arvind Shahane: Vala sir please explain
Using method of cow arc?
Like gandush or kaval,  M I right?

Dr. Ujwala Said: So best is salt which is available ?so can we use daily or ?

Dr. Arvind Shahane: Is salt contraindicated for HT Pt?Daily message use

Mr. Ram Vala: 1 to 2 tbsp cow arc with glass of water. Need to drink…Sesame oil using kaval method for oil pulling

Dr. Arvind Shahane: Thanks sir

Dr. J. T. Contractor: Root canal is no good practice every one knows after it is done! The X-ray when advised before such practices & it uploads thyroid gland due to the radiation!
Secondly: goat never brushes yet teeth are white! Due to raw leaves & vegetation it chews ! May be chlorophyll works which saves goat from visiting dentist for life time!

Dr. Jayshree Y. Mahajan: swaskuthar ras 10 tab, Yavxar 5mg, darvi 50mg, this
mixture for dant dhavan gives good result in stained teeth

Vd. Sandeep J. Prasad: Oral intake of salt should be limited..Arvind sir ht patient can use local use of salt…..I preffer dabur red tooth powder and paste.👌🏼👌🏼

Vd. Dhruti Nirav Bhatt: Saindhav and Mustered oil massage and use babool datun

Dr. Surbala Badgaiyan: Saindhav + oil massage is vry useful ...its my Prectical dr dhruti told

Vd. Dhruti Nirav Bhatt: Teeth whitening treatment  now a days dentist uses special material and blue light for fix that material and they make cap like ur original  Teeth

Dr. Bhavesh Modh: REASON #1 You’re Getting Older
Your teeth can also start yellowing as a natural part of the aging process. This happens as the strong, white protective coating on teeth, known as enamel, fades over time because of everyday wear and tear on your teeth.
REASON #2 You’re a Smoker
Tobacco products, from cigarettes and pipe smoke, stain teeth. If you consume these products, your teeth will darken over time.
REASON #3 Your Oral Hygiene Is Lacking
When you do not routinely brush, floss and rinse your mouth to remove plaque build-up and tartar, this can hasten the discoloration of your teeth.
REASON #4 You’re on Medication
Certain medications, such as the antibiotics doxycycline and tetracycline, can darken the teeth of children younger than 8 years old. Some antihistamines, drugs for high blood pressure and antipsychotic medications can also stain adult teeth. Go over any such potential side effects of the medications you are currently, or may start taking, with your physician.
REASON #5 You Have an Illness
A less common cause of tooth discoloration can be either a disease that affects enamel, or the treatment of a disease, such as chemotherapy and/or radiation used to treat cancer. In this case, the discoloration is more of a brownish color.
REASON #6 The Yellow Is in Your Genes
It also may be possible that you inherited enamel that is more yellow than that of other people whose genes differ. If you notice your teeth are more yellow than you’d like,
Sorce :

Canada Nitin Shah:

…Somehow, I always felt the benefits of flossing is over hyped and somehow the important part of oral hygiene practice of tongue scraping has been not given enough importance at least in  this part of the world.

Shri Minoo parabia: Ankhe trifala dante lun
Pet na bharvu chare khun
Thus goes Gujarati saying. Means......
Trifala id best for eyes and salt is best for teeth....stomach must not be loaded to it's fullest capacity.
Salt is not to be rubbed , just use saturated solution of salt to clean the mouth, followed by gentle rubbing of sesame oil on gums.

Dr. Prachi Patki: Triphala Mashi.... Any experience?

Dr. Sachinkumar Jinture: i hv used it . . Getting whitening of pt… constipation pt i m using trifala dant dhavan and get grt result ...

Dr. Rajendra Joshi: I m using trifala kwatha in stomatitis…Gargling n orally

Vd. Jitu Hadiya: Like gargling? ?

Dr. Sachinkumar Jinture: dant dhavan (like toothpaste!!?)

Dr. Nitish Dubey: Effect of hard water on teeth
May be a cause of yellowish colour.

Vd. Vishal Patel: Is it curable....because i have seen so many pts in rural area because of hard water

Dr. Nitish Dubey: NO effect by glizer

Dr. Rachana Mumbai: Yesterday, some where talking about flourosis,
My 4 yr child had cavities in teeth and i had to go for removal of cavities and filling of 4 teeths…And the dentist suggested me to use flouride paste for brushing teeth and adviced me to go for flouride treatment, where he would apply flouride over his teeth…How much contradictory
And to my surprise, the decolored patches on his teeth have started disappearing
With the use of flouride paste….And any paste used for kids does contain monoflouride

Dr.Yogesh Gorakhnath Patil: For whitening teeth first avoid tea

Anand Javeri: ..& coffee also?

Compilation courtesy : Vd. Dhruti Kagrana

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